Born to be free Basil

Born: 19.11.2015
Father: Nexos von Discher's Hoff
Mother: DJ Polli the Puli von Rüx

Breeder: Heike Hofmann-White

Health details:
Patellaluxation: Free
Eyes: Free
Accepted for breeding 08.10.2017

Basil is a Puli and belongs to the Hungarian Herding Dogs. When one gets interesetd in the breed then it is easy to see why the hungarians say a Puli is not a dog, a Puli is a Puli!
Basil is an active and alert dog that loves any type of activity whether it be playing ball, searching for goodies or anything that is demanding. 
He loves meeting people and particularly children.
He has a will of his own but is perfectly loyal to me. I can always rely on his loyalty.